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Kdenlive Workflows

Kdenlive is my non-linear editor of choice, as it's just about the only one that will run with next to no user configuration or licensing on Linux. I have previously used Final Cut Pro X but this is only available on MacOS.



  • 1920x1080p 59.94 typically to match the footage
  • Don't bother with proxy media


  • Generic MP4-H264/AAC 100% High at slow CPU
  • Preview audio with audio only > FLAC then scrub through
    • Check audio is reasonably consistent throughout
    • Also any quiet parts noticed when editing are audible
    • Also check quiet to loud doesn't suddenly become quiet to super loud.


The below should hopefully bring bad audio to a point where it is half reasonable

Compression & Normalization

  • Run compressor first, this should bring most audio that is loud down to a good level
  • Then run the normalization, this will peak when there's a bit of quiet that suddenly goes loud
    • Adjust the settings on this as otherwise can be really loud when we first start talking after a period of silence or quiet audio
  • Normally applied to the entire speech track but not the music
  • Can sometimes do multi-pass normalization, support for this in Kdenlive is spotty.

Bandpass and EQ

This helps to reduce the effect of blustery conditions on windy audio tracks. The best way to fix this is to attack it at source and use a lav pack or external mic. At the very least a deadcat. If this hasn't been done:

  • Run high pass filter to cutoff low frequencies, adjust this until audio still sounds wet but doesn't have much wind in background
  • Use 16- or 32-band EQ to roll off the low end of the track.

Simpler way is to use the high pass filter one pole set to 300Hz cutoff with a wet/dry of 0.5