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Professional Development

Possible Job Qualities

  • Remote working
  • Deep work
  • Systems administration
  • Software engineering
  • In person optional

Job Titles I Like

  • Systems Reliability Engineer (Docker, k8s, cloud, databases, CI/CD pipelines)
  • Software Engineer (Go, JS, Java, need to work on CPP/C/C#/Rust)

Job Hubs

Job Titles I Don't Like

- Anything properly frontend

Possible Further Qualifications

The list of qualifications below come recommended by others, but seem to be quite expensive considering quite a lot of information can be had for free, and realistically, it's just paying for the piece of paper. From what I can see, the CompTIA stuff is geared towards general, vendor-neutral things, and seems to cover a lot of the skills which have been taught during the degree, but also some other stuff I have probably picked up from watching various technology YouTube channels.

There are also the Red Hat certifications, which come recommended by Rob from SKILSTAK. These cost lots of money (thousands) to say that you are certified but maybe a good path to go down once I have a job somewhere. These are

The radio amateur license is mainly so I can improve my understanding of wireless systems, which can be quite important when looking at IoT in constrained environments. This mainly stems from my lectures in advanced computer networks from things such as Glacsweb, and Mountain Sensing.

Maybe Todo

  • Publish a conference paper