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I've noticed that I haven't been posting to the site much for a while which disappoints me because the whole idea of this site was to allow people to easily see what I was up to and this hasn't been happening as I have liked. Since my last post about EURO 2 (which is here on YouTube), I have been up to a lot of things which I will briefly outline below.

  • I have made a lot of progress coding wise and I have made a perfectly functional Discord bot which I now use on my discord server and I am working to improve it and get it into full time use.
  • I have also been on a couple of holidays, which again can be found on my YouTube channel including a mini road trip around Somerset and Devon and a week long holiday with my dad's side of the family.
  • As I am writing this post, I am trying to think of things that I can post and do for the blog but I will be adding many more things soon.
