Welcome to my post on Hacksoton! Today I will be giving you a summary of what I got up to at the Southampton coding event.
To start things off, we arrived promptly at 9:30 when the doors were due to open and were welcomed by all of the organisers who gave us our name badges and food cards. The food cards were completely free and could be exchanged for a bacon & egg roll (breakfast), a sandwich, some crisps and some fruit. Dinner was burritos (chicken, beef or veggie) which were all very tasty.
What did I get up to?
During the eight hours, I had a go at creating a reusable template for CHILLDNB and Chill Acoustic. I used an app called Sketch to design the website (as pictured below) and then used their mirror app to test it out on a phone/tablet.
After I had finished that, I got to work by downloading Jekyll and using a very minimal template. I started figuring out the arrangement of the html and once i'd done the hero section (the bit at the top), I began to set out the various styles for the css.
What else happened?
During the day, there was a kids area where they were doing some simpler projects & a presentation on modern javascript (which you can find here). At the end, there were presentations on what people got up to at the event, such as a fish that responds to music, something to make breakfast orders easier and a 'dinosaur vision' VR project.
They also gave away some Amazon Echo Dots and there was even an easter egg hunt which was pretty cool. There was refreshments and assistance available all day from many amazing developers. I'd like to say a huge thanks to all of the various sponsors/organisers (especially Etch).
Overall it was an amazing day which was super fun to be at (I will be coming back next year) but if there was one ever so slight criticism (it's not really even a criticism) I could make, it would be that it would be nice to see a page where I could check out all of the code and projects made at Hacksoton on webpage or github repo somewhere.
Happy birthday to Adam and thank you for checking out my post!